Course No: 201: Drama II (19th and 20th Centuries)
50 marks (6 credits)
Unit 01:
- Wilde: Importance of Being Earnest
- Synge: Playboy of the Western World,
- Galsworthy: Justice (Any two)
Unit 02:
- Ibsen: A Doll’s House
- Shaw: Saint. Joan
- Eliot: Murder in the Cathedral (Any two)
Unit 03:
- Harold Pinter: The Birthday Party
- Stoppard: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
- Brecht: Mother Courage (Any two)
Recommended reading:
- Martin Esslin: Theatre of the Absurd
- Bernard Bergonzi: Wartime and Aftermath: English Literature and its Background
- Martin Meisel : Shaw and the 19th-Century Theatre ( Princeton University Press)
- Daniel Dervin, Bernard Shaw: A Psychological Study.
- B.W, Downs : Ibsen : The Intellectual Background CUP
- James McFarlane (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Ibsen
- Allen Tate , (ed). T. S. Eliot: The Man and His Work,
Course No: 202
50 marks (6 credits)
Fictional and Non-fictional Prose II (19th and 20th Century Texts)
Unit 01:
- Arnold: Culture and Anarchy—selections
- Strachey: Eminent Victorians — Florence Nightingale
- Pater: ‘Conclusion to the Renaissance’ (Any two)
Unit 02:
- Conrad: Heart of Darkness
- Lawrence: Sons and Lover
- Kafka: The Trial (Any Two)
Unit 03:
- Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse/
- James Joyce: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man/
- Graham Greene: Brighton Rock (Any two)
Recommended reading:
- J.H.Buckle: The Victorian Temper: A Study in Literary Culture.
- Leon Edel: The Psychological Novel.
- Robert Humphrey: Stream of Consciousness and the Modern Novel.
- Maurice Beebe: Ivory Towers and Sacred Founts: The Artist as Hero in Fiction from Goethe to Joyce
- Michael Levenson(ed): The Cambridge Companion to Modernism.
- Harold Bloom: Figures of Capable Imagination.
- Frank Kermode: The Sense of an Ending: Studies in the Theory of Fiction.
Course No: 203: Poetry III (19th & 20th Century Texts)
50 marks (6 credits)
Unit 01:
- Yeats: ‘Easter 1916,’ ‘Sailing to Byzantium’, ‘The Second Coming’
- Lawrence: ‘Snake’, ‘Bavarian Gentians’
- Owen: ‘Spring Offensive’, ‘Strange Meeting’ (Any two)
Unit 02:
- Eliot: ‘Preludes,’ ‘Marina’
- Auden: ‘Musee des Beaux Arts’; ‘Shield of Achilles’
- Dylan Thomas: ‘A Refusal to Mourn the Death by Fire of a Child in London’, ’Fern Hill’ (Any two)
Unit 03:
- Larkin: ‘Whitsun Weddings’, ‘Church Going’
- Ted Hughes: ‘Crow’ (Selections)
- Seamus Heaney: ‘Death of a Naturalist’, ‘Digging’ (Any two)
Recommended reading:
- Julian Symons: The Thirties.
- Samuel Hynes: The Auden Generation.
- Donald Davie: Under Briggflatts: A History of Poetry in Great Britain: 1960-1988.
- Alan Sinfield (ed): Society and Literature: 1945-1970
- Steven Connor(ed): The Cambridge Companion to Postmodernism
- Peter Brooker (ed): Modernism/Postmodernism.
- Samuel Hynes: The Auden Generation.
Course No 204: Language and Communicative Skills
50 marks (4 credits)
Unit -1: Phonetics
- Organs of Speech
- Vowels and Consonants
- Transcription and the International Phonetic Alphabet
- Syllables
- Word Stress
- Tone Groups
- Rhythm and Intonation
- Word Formation
Unit – 2: English Grammar and Usage
- Parts of Speech
- Grammar and Usage: Acceptability and Unacceptability
- Words and Sentences
- Subject-Verb Agreement
- Syntax
Unit -3: Academic Writing
- Paraphrasing and Summary
- Note-making and Note-taking
- Business Communication
- Skimming and Scanning Texts
- Use of dictionary and thesaurus
- Analysis and Expression
Recommended Readings:
- The Study of Language by Yule George
- Elements of General Phonetics by Abercrombie, D.
- An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English by GimsonA.C.
- An Introduction to English Grammar by S. Greenbaum
- English Grammar for Today by Geoffrey Leech
- Indian English: Functions and Forms by Parasher S.V.
- Modern English: A Book of grammar, Usage and Composition by N. Krishnaswamy
- Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students by Stephen Bailey
Course No: 205: Shakespeare (Theory: 40 marks; Internal Assessment: 10 marks)
50 marks (6 credits)
Unit 1:
Background to Shakespeare and the Life, Time and Stage
Western and Sub-continental stage responses (Macbeth and Twelfth Night)
Unit 2:
- Hamlet
- Measure for Measure
Unit 3:
- Shakespeare Criticism (Textual and Critical)
- Johnson and the 18th Century Neoclassical tradition
- Romantic tradition: Coleridge/Lamb,
- 19th Century Tradition: Bradley/ Spurgeon/ G. Wilson Knight
- 20th Century tradition: Greenblatt.
Recommended reading:
- E.K. Chambers: William Shakespeare: A Study of Facts and Problems.
- E.K. Chambers: The Elizabethan Stage (in four volumes).
- Stanley Wells: Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare Studies.
- Julia Briggs: This Stage-Play World.