Open Resources on Plautus’ Pot of Gold

C8T: European Classical Literature

Open Resources on the Iliad of Homer

Video Lectures:


General Resources:

Sample Questions:

  1. Discuss Homer’s portrayal of the gods in “Book1” of The Iliad.
  2. How do the conflicts between mortals compare and contrast to the conflicts between the gods in “Book 1” of The Iliad.
  3. In what ways are Achilles’s and Agamemnon’s characterizations of each other in “Book1” of The Iliad?
  4. Why do the “glittering gifts” Athena foretells for Achilles in “Book1” of The Iliad prove worthless?
  5. How do the first few lines of The Iliad preview the conflict, setting and characters of the poem?
  6. Homer’s The Iliad is one of the major epic poems. – Discuss.

Open Resources on Ghosts by Henrik Ibsen

Online Annotated Text

  1. Online annotated text from
  2. Online text with an introduction from

Audio Text

  1. Audio Text from Old Library Audio books

Theatrical Productions


Cultural Documentaries

Audio/Video Lectures

Scholarly Articles: